Weekend & Halloween Events + Where to Trick-or-Treat in Litchfield
The last weekend in October brings holidays-level excitement to Litchfield that comes from its bounty of spooky Halloween events, combined with compelling non-Halloween events, and gilded with a great weather forecast that’s an invitation for fall foliage walks and autumn strolls around town.
It all tilts toward Halloween on Monday, when the town has outdone itself with family-style trick-or-treating opportunities. Enjoy.
Non-Halloween Events and Opportunities on Saturday, 10-29
The Litchfield Hills Farm-Fresh Market takes place at its indoor location, the Litchfield Community Center, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The vendor listing and market schedule is updated weekly on the Facebook page and staples include locally-roasted coffee, handmade soaps, maple syrup, honey, veggies, apples, pumpkins, Wave Hill breads and lots more. The Community Center is located at 421 Bantam Rd. (Route 202).
The Jennifer Terzian Gallery, located in one of the coolest spots in town underneath @thecorner restaurant on South Street in Litchfield center, is holding an opening reception from 3 to 5 p.m. for a new exhibit of still life works by naturalist Amy Jean Porter. It’s the artist’s first solo show in Connecticut and features drawings that “tell a story of daily life in small moments and slow growth. Some are carefully rendered studies in gouache, jewel-like and precise: forget-me-nots and buttercups, a winter bouquet and found feather, three versions of the North Star made in one night. Porter’s four drawings of bananas are color studies found on the kitchen counter. … .” [email protected] to learn more. (If you go, stop by the fairly new Alofft Gallery around the corner on West Street, which features an exhibit of works by French artist Christian Cesari.)
At the White Memorial Conservation Center Saturday

CREATURES GREENLAND-STYLE: Make-Your-Own Tupilaq with Moki Kokoris
A cultural practice some 5,000 years old, the Greenlandic Inuit “tupilaq” is a small yet fearsome figurine imbued with supernatural properties. Meaning “ancestor’s spirit,” tupilaqs are inspired by legendary characters of Inuit mythology, such as Sedna – Mother of the Sea. The pointy-headed carvings often possess a villainous face and elements of an animal from the region, such as walrus tusks.
The most common purpose of making these objects was to rid oneself of an enemy, or to cast a curse upon someone who had done you wrong. The tupilaq was said to attack in the form of the animal it represented. Because the tupilaq was devoid of independent will, it was compelled to obey its creator. But such activities did not come without risk. Should the victim’s suspicions be roused, and if their powers were stronger, the tupilaq could be forced to turn the curse against its sender. The only way for the originator to be spared was to openly confess to employing the tupilaq.
These wondrous totemic sculptures can also be used as guardians against evil if placed near entryways to a dwelling. The scarier the tupilaq’s expression, the more harm and mischief it could repel. Could it be that this custom was the origin of the home insurance policy business?
Guests will be make their own guardian tupilaq with the guidance of Arctic Explorer/ Artic Expert, Moki Kokoris. This workshop is limited to 20 adults and children. All children must be accompanied by a paying adult. For ages 10 and up! 2 p.m., A. B. Ceder Room, Members: $20, Non-Members: $30. All Children accompanied by a paying adult, $10.00. Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. Call 860-567-0857 or register online: www.whitememorialcc.org
Halloween Season Fun This Weekend
The Bantam Cinema & Arts Center in the midst of a mini festival of classic scary movies that nicely complement all the other fun and spooky things happening in our classic Halloween town.
Films still coming up include “Night of the Living Dead” (Fri.-Sun.), the cult classic by George A. Romero in which a ragtag group of Pennsylvanians barricade themselves in an old farmhouse to remain safe from a bloodthirsty, flesh-eating breed of monsters ravaging the East Coast of the U.S., and another classic, “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” (Sun.) Details, times, and tickets in advance are available on the website, bantamcinema.org, or purchase tickets at the door.
Marketplace Tavern at The Old Litchfield Jail, decorated in spooky chic style, is throwing a Halloween party Oct. 28, announced like this on its Facebook page:
Join Us For Our Second Annual Halloween Party @ The Tavern on Friday 10/28 7PM!!
Winners of the Costume Competition Will Receive 100$ Gift Card for First Place, 50$ Second, 25$ Third, Valid at Any of Our Locations!
Halloween Themed Food & Drink Specials
Monster Mash on Repeat
The Junior Women’s Club of Litchfield Hills is holding a classic Halloween Ball Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. at the Bantam Firehouse and the event listing goes like this: Join us for a great night of dancing with DJ Zerp! Wear your best costumes and enter the costume contest! Buy some tickets for the 50/50 raffle. Snacks provided, but feel free to bring your own. Costumes preferred, but not required. BYOB. Adults only 21 and over. Proceeds go to local charities and families in need.
Tickets are $25 and you get them online: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/halloween-ball-tickets-417489049987 Watch the Club’s Facebook page for any updates.
Founded in 1965, the Club is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization affiliated with Connecticut Junior Women, Inc. that works for the betterment of our community through fund allocations, scholarships, emergency funds and assistance for families in need. See the website to learn more.
The Litchfield Hills Audubon Society has a great free event for children of all ages from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 30, at its Boyd Woods Audubon Sanctuary located along Route 254, heading toward Northfield. Here’s the teaser for Experience the Spooky Side of Nature with Litchfield Hills Audubon Explorers: If you dare, walk on a trail and encounter spooky spots with spiders, crows, owls and more. Do an activity at each spot. Wear your costume, if you like. If you make it back to where you started, you can enjoy cider and donuts. For more info contact Vickie Dauphinais [email protected]
Family-Style Trick-or-Treating This Weekend and on Halloween, Oct. 31
Families can warm up for Halloween and test out costumes on Saturday , Oct. 29, by trick-or-treating with the birds at the Ripley Waterfowl Conservancy, which posted this invite on social media: Join us on Saturday, October 29th for our free Open House Event “Trick or Tweet!” Wear your costume & enjoy special treats here at Ripley. 10am-4pm. For more information: 860-567-2062. (55 Duck Pond Road)
Litchfield CT Social Services will get Monday’s trick-or-treating in the center of town off to a good start by giving out free hot dogs and burgers on the lawn outside of St. Anthony of Padua Church on South Street, beginning at 4:30 p.m. Donations will be accepted to go toward the Community Holiday Giving Project.
St. Michael’s Parish, just down the street from St. Anthony, is holding a trick-or-treat event starting at dusk, billed as a “fun night of fellowship” with music, candles and candy. Costumes are encouraged.
Halloween Trick-or-Treating in the Tapping Reeve Meadow is Monday’s big event. A collaboration between Litchfield Park & Rec and the Litchfield Historical Society, it features trick-or-treating from 4 to 8 p.m., and a story time at 5 p.m., in Tapping Reeve Meadow at 82 South St., behind the Tapping Reeve House and Litchfield Law School. The trick-or-treating takes place among the nearly 60 Scarecrows in the Meadow created by local businesses, non-profits, and families. Some are fun, others are silly, and more than a few will look especially spooky as it gets dark.
P.S. It looks like perfect weather through the weekend for autumn walks and hikes in Litchfield. If you’re looking for tips, read our 10 Great Fall Foliage Walks in Litchfield, Autumn 2022 blog post.