Little Pond Boardwalk, LHAS New Year’s Weekend Guided Hikes

Two outstanding guided hikes are being offered on New Year’s weekend in Litchfield, a ramble around the Little Pond Boardwalk on New Year’s Eve with Gerri Griswold of White Memorial, and a First Day Hike on Sunday at the Boyd Woods Audubon Sanctuary of the Litchfield Hills Audubon Society.
The White Memorial hike is limited to 20 participants and will fill up fast, so act quickly to register:
Boardwalk Hike With Gerri Griswold
Gerri Griswold, Director of Administration and Development for White Memorial, is also a beloved ambassador for the 4,000-acre nature preserve whose guided hikes fill up fast. Her version of ringing in 2023 involves an early morning hike on Saturday around the popular Little Pond Boardwalk trail. “Wear your finest party hat! We’ll supply the sparklers and a glass of cheer at the end of our walk,” the event listing says. The group is limited to 20. Participants must pre-register by calling 860-567-0857 or registering online: Register for New Year’s Hike to Little Pond and then meet at 7 a.m. in the A. B. Ceder Room at the White Memorial Conservation Center. The hike is free but donations are accepted to help defray programming expenses.
First Day Hike at Boyd Woods Sanctuary
Celebrate New Year’s Day Sunday with a First Day Hike at Boyd Woods Audubon Sanctuary, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Children and adults are invited to join leaders Rich and Debbie Martin for a fun, invigorating hike through the woods. The event listing says: They will point out hidden treasures along the way. We never know what awaits us — perhaps a Saw-whet Owl, Red-shouldered Hawk, or a Pileated Woodpecker? The hike is about two miles. The terrain is moderate in difficulty. Wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. Bring water and a snack, if you like. Meet at the Boyd Woods parking lot off Route 254 in Litchfield. For information or questions, contact Debbie Martin at [email protected].