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Plein Air Litchfield Painting Festival Is Oct. 5

Plein Air Litchfield 2024The Town of Litchfield’s Economic Development Commission, the Litchfield Historical Society, and the local arts nonprofit Art Tripping have joined forces to sponsor and present the inaugural Plein Air Litchfield, a one-day painting festival on Oct. 5 featuring some of the finest landscape artists in the Northeast.

Plein air painting, or en plein air in France where the practice originated in the 19th century, is the act of painting outdoors in the landscape, rather than in the studio. Plein air festivals that draw top landscape artists have become very popular around the country.

Twenty-eight distinguished artists will participate in the inaugural Plein Air Litchfield, which is invitation-only.

Purchase Tickets for the Reception and Art Show

Jennifer Terzian of Jennifer Terzian Gallery and Craig Connelly of Alofft Gallery, both in Litchfield center, will serve as judges for Plein Air Litchfield, and they will be joined by Michael Bucci, an Art & Design lecturer at Central Connecticut State University.

The judges will hand out first, second, and third place awards, as well a People’s Choice Award and a series of themed awards, including Best Wild Spaces and best Farmscape awards. All awards will come with monetary prizes and Golden Artist Colors is sponsoring swag bags for participating artists.

The Plein Air Litchfield artists will be painting from approximately 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at scenic locations around Litchfield and visitors are encouraged to observe them working.

Judging will take place in Milton Hall in the Milton section of Litchfield, along with an exhibit and sale of the artworks, as part of a reception from 6 to 8 p.m. featuring wine and light hors d’oeuvres.

Tickets to attend the reception cost $28.52 and may be purchased online. The cost of tickets can be applied to the purchase price of a painting.

Award-winning Litchfield plein air landscape painter Jim Laurino has been instrumental in assisting the planning process for Plein Air Litchfield.

Meanwhile, plein air painter Zufar Bikbov helped ensure the long-term success of Plein Air Litchfield by arranging an internship for an event organizer at Plein Air Easton to facilitate research about the best practices of successful festivals.

The goal of Plein Air Litchfield is to introduce the painting festival concept to Litchfield and prepare the community for future annual festivals.

“We intend for Plein Air Litchfield to grow and expand into a multi-day festival with activities, competitions and talks, receptions and strong sales, attracting the best plein air artists around the country and beyond,” the outreach letter to invited artists explained.  

Questions or communications about Plein Air Litchfield may be emailed to [email protected].

Plein Air Litchfield 2024